First off, I have one statement to make about this topic: WHO CARES? I mean, obviously Cleveland fans all over the nation care and think it's a big deal but honestly, grow up people. I know James humiliated you on national TV and not only a fan-base but an entire City, I get it. But c'mon, you knew he was gonna leave sooner or later if the team couldn't help him out and put together a championship worthy team. Now, maybe the way he went about leaving the team and the circumstances that surrounded his arrival in Miami could have been done a little better, it doesn't mean he didn't have the right to leave Cleveland in the first place. But let's not kid ourselves here, Lebron James put the entire Cavaliers franchise let alone an entire City on his back and tried to resurrect a franchise back to whatever "success" (if you even want to call it that) it may have had in the 1990s. He deserves a lot of gratitude from the fans and City of Cleveland. If it wasn't for King James sports in Cleveland might have become a dead topic. The Browns are still horrible and the Indians are falling off as well. King James resurrected, at least to some degree, a town that used to have some decent sports teams.
He fulfilled his contract for crying out loud. This happens in sports all the time. A player fulfills his contract with a team and then he has the right to explore other options or stay right where he is at. I may not agree with a player leaving one of my favorite teams for another team but I get over it and move on to the next game/season, etc. Part of the reason for all the hard feelings is because the d-bags at ESPN had to make his decision to leave (which was probably made long before the media event) the biggest story since the fall of the Berlin Wall (or some equivalent world event.) That didn't help the situation at all. I must admit, James is probably one of the biggest media whores I have seen in a while so of course he welcomed the attention and the spotlight for an entire hour during prime-time TV. That is the part of this whole fiasco that I don't agree with, the way he went about doing everything.
All that being said, I have this to say to any fans going to the actual game tonight or watching at home on TV: BOO all you want. You have every right to at this point. The way you were just thrown out the back door by Lebron like nothing happened is wrong. You deserved to at least be let down a lot more easier than what he gave you. Keep it civil and keep it classy as possible. That would be just what Lebron would want to have unruly fans cause a huge disaster and embarrass the City of Cleveland and the Cavaliers franchise even more. The fact that King James isn't doing to hot in Miami this year so far is a relief that all Cleveland fans need to celebrate and realize that it may turn out to be his loss after it's all said and done. Until that time when Cleveland fans can turn it back around on Lebron, stay cool and just move on from it already!
@ryannnelson87 on Twitter
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