The title says it all. My two top priorities this month and one is going smoothly so far and the other is not. I'm sure you can guess the better of the two.....
Moving out of the townhouse that I'm living in now and into my girlfriend's parents' house for a while. This is all in an attempt to save up enough money to get our own house (hopefully within a year or so). Haven't actually started moving anything yet (reason why it's going smoothly) but I am slowly gonna start moving stuff over so I don't have to do it all at once.
Job searching. Enough said right there. With the move to Manassas looming by the 1st of the month, a commute to my current job in McLean just isn't viable. Especially with what they are paying me and the quality of the job. So anything closer to Manassas is a plus. There are other reasons why I want a new job but that one has become the most relevant when thinking about it recently.
Overall, this month has started off o.k. and I hope it stays that way.
On a lighter note...excited to be able to watch World Cup soccer this weekend and everyday is a closer day to the start of NFL season which is what I am looking forward to the most.